Guardian Angel

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Guardian Angels are also known as fairy godmother or guardian spirit or ministering angel. It is the guardian angel of an individual who represents his / her characteristic traits, behavior and nature. The role of the guardian angel is to guide us through good thoughts, works and words, and also to prevent us from all kind of evils.

Hello Jesse Oswaldo Razo, date of birth entered by you is September 3, 1962 based on which your Guardian Angel is.

Hemisphere You Live In Southern Hemisphere
By Day Of Birth
Name Of Angel :- St. Gabriel
Color :- Silver, white, blue
The name Gabriel means the 'messenger of God'. Gabriel is the saint who is said to possess feminine power and as per the Bible God wanted her - Gabriel, to be the mother of his son - Jesus. This saint with a wise spirit lends us warmth during the winter season. Ruled by this saint, you are bound to become an actor, reporter, model, singer, musician or journalist. Anything that involves a spiritual dint will attract you and you are very straightforward in expressing your needs and desires. Gabriel acts as the friend, philosopher and guide by giving information on upcoming events, opportunities and changes.


By Month Of Birth
Machidiel- the angel of March means 'Fullness of God'. Stamina and courage are the keywords which best describes this angel. An individual who is governed by this angel has his morale boosted up for the purpose of achieving new heights and landmarks. This angel helps the individual to go ahead by overcoming all obstacles and breaking all barriers, whether the barrier is lack of self confidence or personal thoughts and prejudices. This angel of March also provides enthusiasm, courage, adventurous spirit and liveliness. Pale yellow is the color associated with this angel.It is the angel of the month of September who helps us in preparing for the harvest which is at hand. With the summer season getting closer, it is the time to take rest, stop all the ongoing activities and strengthen ourselves up with fresh energy to start off the harvest. The Angel of September boosts us up to fulfill all our activities and tasks. The late-summer angel also helps us recognize the fruits of our labors and share with others the bounty of what we have created in our lives. In the month of September, we are generally delightful about our relationships, our careers, good fortunes and desires. The October Angel leads us to share our happiness and joys with all those who have supported us and have made our harvest successful and possible.

Name Of Angel :-


By Sun Sign

Name Of
Angel :-

Your Sun Sign :- Virgo
Element :- Earth
Description Of Your Guardian Angel :- Michael is the angel for the month of September and his name means 'He who is like God.' Michael is known as the angel who grounded Lucifer and his band of followers during the fight between mankind and the Gods. This angel is associated with all kind of miracles that involves the Almighty. He is also known as the 'Angel of Repentance.' Truth, patience, affection and love are the four things which are that are inspired by this angel of September.

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