Karmic Astrology
Do you wish to know the definition of Karma? What is Karma? How do you know more about your good and bad karmas? Get a free detailed personal Karmic astrology report to know more about this cause and effect relationship. Understand more about your personal free will astrology and past life analysis. Overcome the burdens of previous births to be able to achieve success in your present life with a free past life astrology reading. Know more about the most suitable life themes that you should pursue. Get free Karma astrology readings, predictions, charts, reports and interpretations online right now!
Karma is believed to be related to cause and effect. It is your past life karma that affects your present circumstances which in turn reflects your future life. Karmic situations are difficult to understand and calculate. Karmic Astrology is that branch of astrology that tells you about your present life Karma. This indicates your ongoing karmic situation from the planetary positions and transitions at the time of your birth. This can emphasizes your positive and negative characteristic traits.
Wishes and desires crop up in the minds of individuals. The unique ways of human feeling and thinking at different times and under different circumstances are revealed by such wide range of instant and temporary wishes that people have. These instant and temporary wishes are termed free will. The types of free wills of a person depend on the nodal point positions at the time of his/her birth.
Before we come to know about life theme astrology, let us first understand what life theme means, as referred to here. Human beings undertake such extensive activities and gather such vast experiences in their lives, and are so diverse that the very idea of determining a single theme out of a life seems tough, & more then that, unjust.
Past life astrology analysis reveals details about your present life attributes, past life characteristic features and also explains the influence of your past life experiences on your present life personality trait and behavioral approach. If you know about your past life experiences, you will also become conscious of your abilities in this life in such way that you will feel inspired to make the most out of the scopes you get and the capabilities you have.