Lagna or ascendant sign also known as the rising sign is one of the most important aspects of Vedic astrology calculations. Lagnas can be calculated for all aspects of a person’s life. The free Lagna calculator available here finds your Vedic ascendant or the sign on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. Arudha lagna shows how you are perceived by others in this world. There are many special lagnas like Bhava, Ghati, Hora, Indu, Paka, Pranapada, Sree, Upapda and Varnada lagna. These ascendant signs give you detailed interpretations with respect to your temperament, mentality, finance, luck, power, material gains and excellence in career, fortune, relationships, love and overall personality. Use this fantastic online lagna calculators and get your free lagna chart in seconds!
The Lagna or ascendant signifies the sign that rose at the time of your birth in the eastern horizon at the place where you were born. The lagna indicates a lot about your nature, your mindset, your body type, your health, your life span, and other traits of your personality. Lagna also indicates the likeliness of occurrence of the auspicious and inauspicious events in your life.
Arudha lagna is a very important and significant special lagna in Vedic astrology. Like all other special lagnas, arudha lagna also has specific influences in the nature, character, personality traits and many other aspects of human life. The position of arudha lagna at the time of your birth, as revealed in your birth chart, has an important role to play in determining the ways arudha lagna influences you.
Bhava Lagna is extremely important in astrology as it explains how you use strength and energy in personal as well as professional life. The bhava lagna analysis and the bhava lagna interpretation lets you know your personality traits as influenced by the bhava lagna position and also gives an insight about your temperament. Bhava lagna is one of the most significant ascendants according to Vedic astrology.
Ghati lagna happens to be one of the most essential lagnas in Vedic astrology. Like all other astrology stars and planets and the celestial bodies Vedic astrology Gati lagna also influences certain aspects of human nature, character and personality. The ghati lagna influences vary from individual to individual, depending on the ghati lagna position at the time of the natives birth.
Hora lagna is one of the special lagnas or ascendants in Vedic astrology. The position of Hora lagna is very significant for the native since it is the Hora lagna position that your money matters are determined by. The relationship between Hora lagna and or the astrology house is positioned in, plays a influential factor, so far as your money matters are concerned.
If you have interest in material gains, you can get your indu lagna details so that you become aware of the chances and make sure that you do not let them pass by. So, if you are eager to know when you are going to be rich in terms of material fortune, you just need a free Indu lagna reading. The indu lagna analysis lets you know your stand in regard to the material gain.
It is not possible for a human being to be genius or excellent performer in any field one is thrust into, unless the person is extraordinarily versatile. It is for this reason that people opt for careers where they feel at ease and secure. The position of paka lagna in your birth chart determines if your intelligence and potential are well-matched for a career.
Pranapada lagna is one of the special lagnas in Vedic astrology. Like all other astrology elements, the Vedic astrology special lagna namely pranapada lagna has also special influence on the nature, basic tendencies, mentality and attitudes of an individual. The personality of an individual & the situations that one goes through, are more or less influenced by pranapada lagna.
Sree lagna is considered to be one of the most important lagnas or special ascendants in Vedic astrology. Like all other special lagnas, sree lagna also has the power to influence certain aspects of human life, considering its position in the natal chart of a native. However, the area that sree lagna is most predominantly linked is money or fortune matters.
Upapada lagna is one of the most significant elements in Vedic astrology. In fact, upapada lagna is one of the special lagnas or special ascendants, which has remarkable influence on your point of view about relationships. The position of upapada lagna also influences the dimensions of relationships that you maintain with your associates.
Each human being has their own ways of interacting with people and reacting to different situations. If one is always a smiley the other could be a grumpy even at jovial and cheery moments. If one has the mind to take up risks believing that success do not come without risks being taken, there are people who believe that planning and acting accordingly can make you thrive without the necessity of risks.