Western Astrology Planets
Understand the planets in your western astrology horoscope and natal chart better with these excellent and accurate online planetary calculators. Understand your personality from a deeper perspective with the help of different astrological calculations. Make use of these online astrology calculators and get free readings for archetypal astrology to know your astrological archetypes, medieval Firdaria planetary periods chart, sun moon midpoint calculations, planetary aspects and dignities tables and charts. Also get detailed interpretations for the planetary positions in your natal chart depending on their positioning in the 12 signs and houses. Understand tropical astrology better and become a good astrologist!
The planetary archetypes for individuals are considered to be very significant according to the systems of astrology. A planet archetype analysis or your archetype profile finds out your archetype characteristics which have strong influence on your natural tendencies and behavioral approaches. More...
Medieval Firdaria Astrology tells you the possibilities of success and failure in different phases of your life. A free Firdaria astrology analysis or free medieval astrology reading will reveal the ruling planets at different phases of your life. The astrological planets do not have the same kind of influence throughout an individual’s life. More...
The most interesting thing about the study of astrology is that it takes into account almost any and every way to get a complete insight into the different aspects and phases of life. You can find astrology principles related to the influences of the sun and the moon on the basis of the position of the midpoint between them. More...
The positions of the planets not only in the different signs of the zodiac but also in respect of the other planets are of immense significance, especially in tropical astrology. The planetary aspects or the angular distances between planets have a very important role to play in determining the influences of the planets. More...
Tropical astrology, a key astrology system, considers the planetary positions with high esteem. It is believed in Tropical astrology that the planets influence the human beings and different aspects of their personal and professional life, depending on their positions at the time of birth of an individual. More...
The relation between the planets and houses is thought to be very important in Tropical astrology. It is known that the planets have powerful influences on the different aspects of personal, professional and social life. The important fact is that the types of influences of astrology planets depend on the position of the planets. More...
Like other astrology systems, Tropical astrology holds the planetary positions in different signs with great significance. Planets have different character and personality attributes to influence on the human beings, depending on the signs they are placed in at the time of birth. More...