What are chakras? How to open your chakras? How to balance your chakras? How to heal your chakras? Which of your chakras is open? How many chakras are there? Know more about the 7 chakras (wheel) or sacred energy centers of your body. Understand how the chakra system controls the well being of your mind and body. Are your seven chakras open, closed or balanced? Learn more about chakra balancing for maintaining a healthy body, mind and soul with a free chakra test. Chakra healing can be done with respect to tarot, astrology, yoga, runes and planets. Know how to open your blocked chakras. Get detailed excellent interpretations with reports and analysis for free! Understand how energy flows throughout your body and become aware of how to balance it.
Chakras are the 7 nerve centers along the spine, which balances our endocrine and central nervous system. These are the energy nodes all through the body liable for the state of our mind, body and soul. In Sanskrit, chakra means wheel that controls the flow of energy throughout the body. Chakras radiate energy which can be affected by an individual's mood. The vibrations of these energy levels are immense, so its important to control and balance all the chakras. More...
Chakras Tarot is an extremely powerful psychic test that attempts to correlate your underactive or overactive chakras with the corresponding tarot card and its significance. This tool describes in detail the characteristics of the different tarot cards associated with your chakra result. More...
Chakra Yoga is a simple tool that attempts to correlate your underactive or overactive chakras with the corresponding yogasana and the procedure of how to do it. This tool describes in detail the yogasanas and the chakras associated with your chakra test result. More...
Chakras Astrology gives you the relationship between the two different worlds of astrology and chakras. Based on your date of birth this form of astrology calculates the chakra that influences you most. Your birthday number plays an important role in this calculation. More...
According to the chakras runes principles, human health conditions depend on the conditions of chakras in the body. If the chakras are in a proper and balanced condition, with all the chakras active, your body is least likely to have any ailment or even a minor health issues. Similarly, if the chakras in your body are not in proper condition, or if they are open or underactive, you may experience some health problems. More...
The chakra system is deeply interconnected with the astrology charts of an individual. All the chakras are ruled by different planets, signs and houses. According to western astrology (as compared to vedic astrology). the human body gets its energy from this central source that runs through the body and is known to be the powerhouse. The purpose of natal chakra is to enlighten you about how the seven chakras influence your body. More...
The concept of Planet chakra is based on the association between planets and chakras. Though there are seven chakras in the human body, which influences the human mind and health in a very significant way, an individual has a dominant chakra that has special influence on the different aspects of his/her life. The first chakra corresponds to Saturn while the second chakra is associated with Pluto. More...