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Runescope is an everyday divination method that can be used on a daily basis to get a clear insight into your inner self. As the Runes help in solving our day-to-day problems and issues, they have become more popular. Different runes are used for different kinds of readings. Like horoscopes, Runes too can provide you with an insight into the future.

Today's Rune Stone Drawn For You Is Laguz

Alternative Name:- Laaz, Logr, Lagu, Logur, Laukr

Keywords : - Fluidity, Life Force, Birth

More About Your Rune Stone

This is the rune of 'intuitive knowledge' or 'water'. People explore their inner self and develop a psychic ability. This is an artistic rune which shows craftsmen with moody temperament. There may be self doubt which has to be overcome. This is also related to water in some form. Also indicates sexuality and fertility. Negative energy and unwanted thoughts are discarded. This rune relates to a female or the most important female in a man's life.