Ideal Waist Hip Ratio

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Ideal Waist Hip Ratio Is

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Ideal Waist-Hip Ratio is a simple health tool that helps one know their waist hip ratio. This can be a good way of knowing your body fat and preventing obesity and related diseases.

Everyone would like to be fit and active. But when we cross the limit and become obese, this may create many health related issues. The standards are set based on research and survey conducted over a lot of case studies. This measure can be used as a guideline but a physician’s advice should also be taken before taking any extreme measure. Obesity can lead to a lot of health related ailments like diabetes, hypertension and other stress related illnesses if not tackled in time. This is just one of the risk assessment measures that should be taken.

The Waist-Hip Ratio (WHR) is one of the ways of knowing what are your chances of suffering from a coronary disease is like. Knowing the Waist-Hip Ratio (WHR) helps you understand if extra fat is stored around your hips thus making you obese and more prone to heart diseases. This tool is not the ultimate answer to your problems and only serves as a guide. Please consult your physician before changing your diet.

Ideal Waist-Hip Ratio is a freeware and the best part is it can be administered within two to five minutes. All you have to do is enter the details required and the program does the rest for you.

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