Kabbalah Chakra is a zodiac sign based tool that relates your sun sign to the Kabbalah Tree of Life and the corresponding Chakras. You will get a better idea about the Chakras that affect your directly and work on keeping them open.
Kabbalah is a Hebrew term and Kabbalah (Mazal) astrology has its basis on this Jewish form of astrology. There are ten visible and one invisible spheres or sephiroth as the Jewish form of mysticism. The ten spheres are, Malkhuth, Yesod, Netzach, Hod, Tiphereth, Gevurah, Chesed, Binah, Chokmah and Keter; and Da'at is the invisible sephiroth. Each of these ten spheres are ruled over by a particular guardian angel who in turn who affects the lifestyle of the natives falling within the purview of those astrological spheres as per their natal details.
Chakras are the 7 nerve centers along the spine, which balances our endocrine and central nervous system. These are the energy nodes all through the body liable for the state of our mind, body and soul. In Sanskrit, chakra means “wheel” that controls the flow of energy throughout the body. Chakras radiate energy of vibrations, because the former can be affected by the other individual’s mood.
The vibrations of these energy levels are immense, so it’s required to control and balance all the chakras. It’s very much important that all Chakras are active in a balanced manner (the ideal state). Chakras can be under-active or over active. Balancing of all the chakras is essential for well being of an individual.
The Seven Chakras are:
Muladhara, Root / Base Chakra
Svadhisthana, Sacral Chakra
Manipura, Solar Plexus Chakra
Anahata (unstruck) Heart Chakra
Vishudda, Throat Chakra
Ajna, Third eye/brow Chakra
Sahasrara, Crown Chakra
Kabbalah Chakra is a complete freeware. The program can be used as many times as you want. It can be administered within five to eight minutes of time. Apart from providing a basic idea about the characteristic traits of an individual, the program also helps the user to gain knowledge about the Jewish –Chakra relationship.