Kabbalah IChing

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Kabbalah IChing is a zodiac sign based tool that relates your sun sign to the Kabbalah Tree of Life and the corresponding IChing hexagram. This gives a better idea about the hexagrams and the Kabbalah sephiroths that affect your life directly and work on changing the negative into the positive.

Hello J, date of birth entered by you is December 17, 1956 based on which your Kabbalah IChing Reading is as below.

Attributes Of Sephiroths Associated With Your Sun Sign

IChing Hexagrams Associated With Sephiroths :- Chung Fu Inner Truth

Judgement Description - This means that inner truth must ultimately draw on you, and you should be sufficiently enlightened in character, so as to be able to emerge as a strong leader and influence others. You should rid yourself of all egos, and also be able to speak the language of the person in front of you. Only then will your influence and leadership be truly awe-inspiring.

Judgement Poem - Inner Truth. Pigs and fishes.Good fortune.It furthers one to cross the great water.Perseverance furthers.

Image Description - The image in this case is of wind stirring up the placid waters of the lake. In the same way, you should have sufficient leadership capabilities to stir up the conscience of the people. However, this can only be achieved by your inner strength of character and ability to realize the inner truth of life.

Image Poem - Wind over lake: the image of Inner Truth.Thus the superior man discusses criminal cases In order to delay executions.


Tiphereth occupies the 6th position in the Tree of Life and the sphere is associated with Beauty. Tiphereth represents our inner self - our soul. It reveals the inner meaning of our lives and also tells us about the purposes of our life, our ideals and objectives. The sephira reflects our goals, our success, our achievements and also our outer self that we present to the world and is ruled over by the Guardian angel Raphael. Speaking from an astrological perspective, the position occupied by the Tiphereth is ruled over by the planet Sun, the planet that symbolizes power and vitality. The energy of Tiphereth can be used in projecting the positive aspects of our personality.

About Your Archangel

Raphael is the angel of journey to the heavens. Raphael is also known as the 'Healing Angel.' He is the one who is assigned by God to guide us in our pilgrimage and help us to seek the real treasure - the ultimate happiness, which God has, is store for us. The name Raphael means - the 'Divine Healer.' This angel has the power to give us joy, happiness, creativity and the most important of all things - love.

Sphere Sign

Position In Tree Of Life

Planetary Ruler





Lucky Day




Gold or Yellow





Beauty, Equilibirum


IChing Hexagrams Associated With Sephiroths :-Cho'^e'n The Arousing(Shock, Thunder)

Judgement Description - This oracle says that once you have experienced extreme fear in a life and death situation, after that you become very hardened in your soul, and are afraid of nothing. However great the danger may be, you remain calm and composed, drawing on your inner strength. This is what makes you a true leader and path breaker to success

Judgement Poem - Shock brings success.Shock comes(emoh, oh!Laughing words(emha, ha!The shock terrifies for a hundred miles,And he does not let fall the sacrificial spoon and chalice.

Image Description - The sound of thunder imbibes fear in the hearts of most men, since it signifies that a storm is approaching. However, you should in times of similar crisis in your life, remain calm and composed and have faith in God. Your personality and inner faith will ultimately lead you to taste success.

Image Poem - Thunder repeated: the image of Shock.Thus in fear and tremblingThe superior man sets his life in orderAnd examines himself.


Yesod occupies the 9th position in the Tree of Life and it is the sphere that is associated with foundation. Yesod represents the collective soul of mankind. The sephira provides an insight into ourselves and also our life patterns as it reflects our inner thoughts, heart desires, secrets, hopes, fears and apprehensions and is ruled over by the archangel Gabriel. Speaking from an astrological perspective, the position occupied by the Yesod is ruled over by the Sun which in turn reflects our relationship with everybody around us and the way we communicate with others. The energy of Yesod can be used to determine the ways of reacting to the several events of life.

About Your Archangel

The name Gabriel means the 'messenger of God'. Gabriel is the saint who is said to possess feminine power and as per the Bible God wanted her - Gabriel, to be the mother of his son - Jesus. This saint with a wise spirit lends us warmth during the winter season. Ruled by this saint, you are bound to become an actor, reporter, model, singer, musician or journalist. Anything that involves a spiritual dint will attract you and you are very straightforward in expressing your needs and desires. Gabriel acts as the friend, philosopher and guide by giving information on upcoming events, opportunities and changes.

Sphere Sign

Position In Tree Of Life

Planetary Ruler





Lucky Day




Gray or Silver





Foundation, Passion, Truth


Attributes Of The Path Associated with Your Sun Sign

Path Of Samekh

This is the path of alchemy. This particular road blends all the four elements and thus produces perfection within you. The path demands an optimistic outlook towards life and you need to overcome all your obstacles and difficulties with full confidence. This is the path of new beginnings and new initiatives.

IChing Hexagrams Associated With The Path :- Cho'^e'n The Arousing (Shock, Thunder)

Judgement Description - This oracle says that once you have experienced extreme fear in a life and death situation, after that you become very hardened in your soul, and are afraid of nothing. However great the danger may be, you remain calm and composed, drawing on your inner strength. This is what makes you a true leader and path breaker to success

Judgement Poem - Shock brings success.Shock comes(emoh, oh!Laughing words(emha, ha!The shock terrifies for a hundred miles,And he does not let fall the sacrificial spoon and chalice.

Image Description - The sound of thunder imbibes fear in the hearts of most men, since it signifies that a storm is approaching. However, you should in times of similar crisis in your life, remain calm and composed and have faith in God. Your personality and inner faith will ultimately lead you to taste success.

Image Poem - Thunder repeated: the image of Shock.Thus in fear and tremblingThe superior man sets his life in orderAnd examines himself.

Hebrew Letter


IChing Correspondence

Samekh, which means trust and closeness.

Connecting path between Tiphereth and Yesod

Cho'^e'n The Arousing (Shock, Thunder) ,

Corresponding Planet

Yetsiratic Attribution




Tentative Intelligence



More About Your Sun Sign

Path Associated With Your Sun Sign :- Path Of Samekh


You are very optimistic and spontaneous by nature. You are very sharp thinker and have a clear and analytical mind. You are quick and witty. You achieve your goals and need not be reminded about them. You love spending money on enjoyable things. Your happy-go-lucky- nature makes others cheerful. You may be short tempered too. You are intelligent and passionate about your work. You are not frightened by threats. You have a zest for life and want to live life to the fullest. You are strong willed and courageous.

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