Kabbalah Runes

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Kabbalah Runes is an accurate and precise method that associates the rune stones to the Jewish form of mystique i.e. the Kabbalah. This helps a person understand his personality and improve himself for the better. Apart from providing a basic idea about the characteristic traits of an individual, you also gain knowledge about the Jewish views of astrology and its relationship with the rune stones.

Hello Kanaganathan, date of birth entered by you is April 30, 1959 based on which your Kabbalah Runes Reading is as below.

Attributes Of Rune Stone Associated With Your Sun Sign

About Your Rune Stone

This rune represents the 'wheel of life'. It means that life is always going around in cycles and we need to come to terms with ourselves to survive in this world. It may also mean travel. Material and spiritual goals may be reached. More interest in the spiritual world and its hidden meanings is bound to happen. It also means a spiritual or a physical journey ending in a reunion. It can also mean a change in direction or profession.

Corresponding Rune Stone

Alternative Names

Favorable Color


Raidha, Rad, Raid

Bright Red

Nordic God



Rhythm, Movement, Travel, Spiritual

Attributes Of Sephiroths Associated With Your Sun Sign

Tarot Cards Associated With Sephiroths :- The Kings

You may be prejudiced and unyielding. You may not understand the difficulties of others. You may be intolerant and severe.


Chokmah occupies the 2nd position in the Tree of Life and is associated with wisdom. Chokmah reflects the masculine side of our personality and as such is referred to as the 'cosmic father' at times. It represents our behavioral patterns, our responsibilities and also our actions. The sephira reflects our ability to analyze things while making vital decisions and choices and is ruled over by the Guardian angel Raziel. Speaking from an astrological perspective, the position occupied by the Chokmah is ruled over by the planet Uranus which in turn reflects the inner aspects of human beings. The energy of Chokmah can be used in looking into the vital aspects of our lives.

About Your Archangel

Also referred to as the 'Secret God' or the 'Angel of Mysteries', Raziel is the archangel of Chokmah. He is the angel of knowledge and is often positioned as the patron of the first human being on Earth. Raziel is the famous author of the well-known book 'The Book of the Angel Raziel', which contains all the earthly and celestial knowledge. Raziel is depicted to be wearing a gray robe that seems to be made of liquid and has a yellow aura surrounding his head.

Sphere Sign

Position In Tree Of Life

Planetary Ruler





Lucky Day



Gray or Silver





Wisdom, Revelation

Tarot Cards Associated With Sephiroths :-The Fours

Your vigor may be renewed. You are ready to face new challenges in life. New relationships are on the cards. Action is seen in you life.


Chesed occupies the 4th position in the Tree of Life and is associated with love and kindness. Chesed represents those opportunities that will lead us to success. It reveals all the positive results that are achieved through our thoughts, emotions and actions. The sephira reflects our money matters, our wealth and also the areas of prosperity and is ruled over by the Guardian angel Tzadqiel. Speaking from an astrological perspective, the position occupied by the Chesed is ruled over by the planet Jupiter which in turn denotes the areas of wealth, prosperity and opportunity. The energy of Chesed can be used to attain what we want from life.

About Your Archangel

Archangel Tzadqiel means 'Righteousness of God'. He is the angel of love, abundance, memory, mercy and benevolence. Whenever you will find yourself in some kind of difficulty and you need help, Archangel Tzadqiel will be there by your side to help you out of the situation. As long as you have the desire and the potentiality to learn and acquire knowledge, Tzadqiel will never let you divert your route from the path of Righteousness, although it is not a very easy path to be followed. You need to prepare yourself for all kind of tests by Tzadqiel, until and unless he is totally satisfied that you have acquired the full knowledge.

Sphere Sign

Position In Tree Of Life

Planetary Ruler





Lucky Day









Love, Kindness, Mercy


Attributes Of The Path Associated with Your Sun Sign

Path Of Vau

This is the path of grace and compassion. It reflects the way followed by the great spiritual masters so as to facilitate their attachment with the spiritual world. Also known as the 'Ocean of Wisdom', this path is a highly innovative path for those who try to unify all things. Love, kindness and affection are the most prominent emotional traits out here.

Tarot Cards Associated With The Path :- The Hierophant

You may be more worried about your social status and unsure if you are ready to sacrifice it at the cost of what you think is right. You seek wisdom and pure knowledge. Marriage and partnerships are seen.

Hebrew Letter


Tarot Correspondence

Vau, which means nail

Connecting path between Chokmah and Chesed

The Hierophant

Corresponding Planet

Yetsiratic Attribution




Triumphal intelligence



More About Your Sun Sign

Path Associated With Your Sun Sign :- Path Of Vau


You have a powerful and commanding personality. You analyze well and then make your decisions. You are intelligent and highly deliberate. Your decisions are well calculated and not at all biased. You are gifted with patience and take everything in your stride. You do not believe in taking risks and keep away from the unknown. You are very emotional and may be influenced by false praise. You are very practical but can be aggressive and dominating at times. You are as stubborn as a bull. Sometimes you can be inconsistent in your thinking and be influenced by others. You do not usually lose your temper but when you do, you are very violent. You love reading and gaining knowledge.

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