Color Oracle

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Color Oracle is a divination tool based on the color divination wheel. Different colors have different influence on a person at a given time. This is what comes into play when the color oracle helps you find a solution for your problems based on your choice of colors.

Light is the most important source of energy and it is also the source of the complete gamut of colors. Since the ancient ages, colors have played a number of important roles in human life. This method of divination with the help of various colors has been in use since thousands of years.

Almost all living beings on earth are known to get energized and stimulated by a variety of colors during the day which includes red, yellow and orange; while some other colors like the blue, violet and indigo are the colors of the night which has a calming and a rejuvenating effect. Each color has its own positive as well as negative attributes.

Color Oracle helps you understand the vibration of the different colors. A basic idea about the different colors including their healing properties is provided by this program. The colors included by this color oracle are: Pink, Purple, Light blue, Dark blue, Turquoise, Green, Olive green, Orange, Yellow, Gold, Peach, Red, Grey, Brown, White and Black.

Color Oracle helps you in your quest to attain a solution to your problems. Using the tool you can find yourself at peace and re-energize yourself. This is a completely free program, and the best part lies in the fact that it can be administered within five to eight minutes, making it one of the fastest online tests to be ever administered. All that the user needs to do is to select a single color one by one from a selection of different colors.

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