Zodiac Yoga

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Zodiac Yoga finds your zodiac sun sign and calculates the health ailments that may affect you and also gives the yoga asanas that are good for people of a particular sun sign. Zodiac Yoga correlates astrology and yoga asanas and gives a detailed reading on the basis of both for a better living.

Asana Name :- Padmasana

English Name  :- Lotus Pose
Padmasana is one of the best postures of meditation. The loop of this posture locks the vital energy and activeness of the body, enabling us to reach a level of consciousness.
1. Sit up on the floor in an erect posture with your legs stretched out in the front.
2. Fold the right leg at the knee, hold it with both your hands and place it on your left thigh.
3. Try to bring your heel as close as possible to the navel.
4. Repeat the same thing with your left foot and place it on your right thigh.
5. Place your hands on the respective knees with your palms facing the ground.
6. This is the Lotus Posture. Stay in this posture for one minute and then slowly come back to your original position.
Padmasana balances our body, mind and the soul. Apart form this it also helps us to relax, concentrate and meditate.
If you suffer from muscle cramps very often or experience any kind of chronic knee pain, then it is advisable to consult a Yoga expert before practicing this asana.

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